Recipe Review

Breakfast Scramble Review This flavorful and healthy vegan substitute for scrambled eggs is a great way to mix things up for breakfast. For me, breakfast is when I am most likely to stick to one routine without venturing out to try something new. I currently have oatmeal with berries, chia seeds, and dates almost every day for breakfast. However it was a nice change of pace to have a hot breakfast and start my day filled with veggies.

That being said, with no oil and being cauliflower based, it was not a very filling breakfast. Although I really enjoyed the flavours of this “scramble,” I was left scrambling for more food only an hour later. Low calories is great for losing weight but I am pregnant and this just did not leave leave me feeling full. Maybe it would be better paired with a slice or two of whole grain toast or maybe I should have just eaten more. Either way, the recipe did taste good but I prefer tofu based scrambles (with lots of added veggies of course) because they leave me feeling full all the way until lunch time.

Not related to the recipe but a tip for making vegan scrambles taste more like eggs: Kala namak. What? Am I even speaking english here? Kala Namak is a type of black salt (which actually looks pink) that adds a eggy sulphur flavour to dishes. I’ve never seen it in stores in the USA or the UK so I always purchase it from Amazon. Many vegan recipes that use this ask for it to be mixed in, however, I feel that it loses its eggy flavour quickly and is best lightly sprinkled on right before eating.

Have you tried this recipe? If so, what did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below. 

Recipe Ratings:

Difficulty:  Medium, only because its more effort than I like to regularly put into breakfast most days.

Did my toddlers like it? Not really

Will I make it again? No, I would make a tofu scramble instead.

Overall: 3 out of 5 stars 

This recipe can be found on page 54 in the Forks over Knives Cookbook.

Why isn’t the recipe posted here?

This post is part of the Forks Over Knives Cookbook Project, an effort to post pictures and reviews of all 300+ recipes to help you decide which recipe is worth cooking. The cookbook only has a few photos so hopefully people find it helpful to see what the recipes look like once prepared.

 I also wouldn’t want anyone new to this way of eating to get discouraged by spending a lot of time and effort on recipes that don’t taste amazing, since WFPB food can definitely taste great. I apologise about the lack of a recipe included but I cannot post it for copyright reasons. However, many of their recipes can be found on their website or their app if you don’t have the cookbook.